Tag Archives: obstacle races

We did it! GoRuck Light, completed!

25 Mar


I’ve written about the crazy event my Crossfit friends and I were doing, called the GoRuck Light. Here’s the story of how it turned out:

As I got out of bed the morning of the race, I thought Why am I doing this? I’m no stranger to marathons, triathlons, and obstacle races, so I figured this would be another one to add to the list. But, in the days leading up to the event, I was becoming increasingly skeptical that I’d enjoy it. I’d originally signed up because a bunch of my friends from my local Crossfit gym were taking it on and it sounded fun. The GoRuck Light is touted as a shorter, less intense version of the GoRuck Challenge, which is a simulation of the team-based training found in Special Operations. A cadre, an experienced member of Special Operations, leads thirty participants through a series of challenges to test strength, determination, and teamwork. Technically, this isn’t a race, but a team event. This is the beginning of a review I wrote for Travlete.com, so to continue reading, please click here.

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